DayZ Standalone Tools
1.507.802 files generated by 236.378 users
File manager

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This feature is comming soon

Loot editor

Worlds most powerful loot table editor with 1.507.802 generated files and trusted by 236.378 users

Effortlessly manage loot distribution with this intuitive loot editor tool. Easily modify or remove loot items and their spawn locations through a user-friendly interface. Key features include XML editing, advanced search and filter options, real-time previews, and backup functionality. Tailor your server's loot experience for balanced and enjoyable gameplay!

Start editing

Bulk Mode

Transform your editing process with powerful tools designed to save you time and effort. Easily apply changes across all rows with a simple percentage adjustment and more!


Accidents happen. The OhShitFunction lets you quickly undo or redo changes, giving you full control and peace of mind while you work.

Filter / Sorting

Take advantage of advanced filters and sorting. Apply filters across multiple headers simultaneously for multi-level, powerful data organization.


With the autosave feature, your work is always protected. Just make sure to enable it for peace of mind.

XML validator

A robust XML validator with XSD schema validation and verbose error checking

An XML validator that validates against an XSD schema file checks whether an XML document conforms to the rules and structure defined in the XSD schema. It ensures the XML data is well-formed, contains required elements, and adheres to data types and constraints specified in the schema.

Validate a file

XSD Schema

Validate against a XSD schema file to ensure a perfect structure and correct datatypes.

Error checking

An XML validator checks the structure and data types of an XML file against an XSD schema. It ensures correct element order, required attributes, data type conformity, cardinality, namespace usage, and pattern matching. Any discrepancies between the XML and the XSD rules trigger validation errors, helping to ensure data integrity and proper formatting.